Monday, December 3, 2007

Carl Jung and study of the human mind...

Quite by chance i picked up a book by Carl Jung, the great Swiss thinker and founder of Analytical psychology. The book " Aspects of the feminine" deals with the female psyche and how the archetypes have shaped human consciousness.

Jung speaks about the Anima and Animus as the female and male archetypes. His approach appealed to me more than that of Freud ( though i must confess i havent read much of both of them). But Jungian psychology seems to derive from the dreams, archetypes and other symbols which are part of the unconscious part of us...

Strange that i saw a very lucid and beautiful dream of being on a beautiful island and swimming in the ocean just the night i finished reading the book...

Here is an interesting video of Jung talking about death, which he says should be approached like a goal and not something one has to run away from...

1 comment:

Todd Laurence said...

Few understand Jung, and especially
when he attempts to explain his
final concepts to the mystery of
Basically, he and Pauli, the physicist, concluded that the
mystery is in the 'natural numbers' -
which they termed an archetype of
order that has become conscious.

"man has need of the word, but in
essence number is sacred." Jung....
"our primary mathematical intuitions
can be arranged before we
become conscious of them." Pauli...

Best reads:

Synchronicity-an acausal connecting
principle. Jung....

Number and Time, Marie L. von Franz

"entelekk - numomathematics