Wednesday, December 5, 2007

No time to live....

Strangely, I had a fight today. Fight with myself. It was not the person who caused the fight which was important; but this was more an "internal affair" and i cried...silently. As tears rolled down my cheeks and i tried to calm down.....and stop feeling sorry for myself; i realised that most of us have forgotten how to live. And this "most of us" included me too...

We set up artificial goals, chase mirages, love heedlessly and are hurt. It is as if these "things" out there - people out there can fill the void within us. Unless we fill this void with a meaning - our own meaning for life...we will forever be hurt, depressed, bored. No matter how much money one makes, how loving one's partner is, no matter how famous one is; if this void is not filled; one will forever be restless.... and sad - as I felt today.

What was making me sad ? Unreplied emails ? someone ignoring me ? Someone not caring enough to give back what i expected - time and attention ? someone not making the effort to invest in me as much as i expected ?

It made me laugh for a while....I could imagine myself - looking as a passive observer and laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

The sad truth is that we are all alone. Alone and fast approaching our mortal end. If only we realise this and stop placing so much importance on someone/ external goals and success. Only if we realise that chasing mirages is not going to take us anywhere.... And to imagine that we give ALL of our waking time - waking hours to chase these mirages seems so stupid....almost childish...juvenile and taken to its extreme, it is madness.

I think ( and feel) some simple principles can make life easy for all of us :

1) Identify what is "meaningful" and important in your life
2) Give of what you can to these "meaningful" things or people...
3) Do not despair if you do not get back
4) Believe in natural order ...nature gives to everyone...what he/she deserves....even if it is delayed; eventually one gets what one deserves
5) If one is a believer in God, believe that God is loving, caring and he knows what he is doing...and it is for the best
6) place these priorities in order and dont give too much time and do not be too attached to anything

As a parting thought, i read this quote : "The enemy is not the other, the enemy is you" by J Krishnamurthy. I cannot disagree. All conflict begins and ends with the self.

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