Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The making of a hero...

Saw Lawrence of Arabia yesterday. I had seen the movie a few years ago; but not entirely and was always intrigued by the character. I finally sat down with the DVD of the movie and managed to see the movie last night.

It is a fascinating account of a romantic, a person who believed he could make a difference and unite the Arabs. My reading of his character is of someone who went beyond the boundries of skin, race and nationality and saw human beings for what they were - flesh and blood like himself. In this, he saw their pain as his and their struggle for freedom as something that he could relate to.

How much of his actions were motivated by greed or any other emotion, no one will ever know; but his integrity does come across quite strongly in the movie. T.E. Lawrence definitely comes across as a hero, who braved all odds to do what he believed in. A remarkable character indeed.

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