Monday, November 19, 2007

Listening to life...

Though we plan, work towards our plans and do all we can in our power to reach certain goals; at times it all seems to be aimless....

Life flows with its own force and its own direction and to force it to go in a different direction - by sheer will power seems foolhardy at times. While we need to be alert to the possibilities of what life can offer...i sometimes feel one must not so be stubborn so that one doesnt listen to life.

Every life is telling something.... though there is silence within; each life resonates with the divine or natural echo of what it is meant to do..

"Silence is the language of God, all the rest is poor translation" said Rumi. Perhaps we must just stop making so much noise...shut up and listen to what life is telling us.

Each experience, each person who has passed through our lives leaves something indelible. Only if we were to stop, reflect and listen ....

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